Friday, May 11, 2007

Recipe contest

Kate at Electric Venom is asking for recipes. She has pretty specific guidelines but also some pretty nifty prizes for her contest, so go check it out.

I submitted a lowly chicken/salsa recipe with no idea of winning. I just want to help this smart, married, tart, mother-of-one blogger to throw together easy dinner things.

She doesn't even have me on her blogroll, and I've been reading her for like, 5 years, so you know this is not a blatant link love thang. I just like Kate.


Anonymous said...

Ah, but I notice that I'm not on your blogroll, either. ;)

lattégirl said...

HUH? Not on this new blog. But on the other one, yes!

Holy shit she scared the shite outta me by showing up...

lattégirl said...
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