Thursday, November 8, 2007

I got me a piece of Dooce

In an attempt to make myself feel a bit better, I went online and ordered one of Dooce's Chuck calendars. (All rights reserved,

Who says retail therapy doesn't work. Hah! I bought some beautiful original art cards from deej and the Dooce daily-dog torture calendar, and pretty soon I'll be able to pay off the rest of my Xmas order from Regalo Boutique (owners: Mindy & Chris).

It's just if I actually had all these goods in my hot little hands right now, I would feel a whole lot more human.

Le sigh. Yes, I will get over this phase soon. Just as soon as I land on the Moon or get a bit part in CSI: Miami with David Caruso arching his red eyebrows in skeptical fashion at me. Or something. Something unusual. That would be nice, right about now.

PS: Also? Dooce tried to make smoothies with a chunk of frozen fruit! Hah! Done that! Dinnent burn out my blender, though!


Jeni said...

OMG - Did you really order the calendar through Dooce's site? I saw that she had a blog about it the other day and looked it over -and yes, I loved it. I'm trying to figure out how to point it out to either my son or older daughter -get one of them to get it for me for a Christmas gift. Now, that I'd love just as much as I want the one and only Jodi Picoult book that I have yet to add to my collection - her first -and I can't even think of the full title right now - too lazy to get up and look it up too - something about "Humpback Whale" in the title -I think maybe it is "Song of the Humpback Whale" =whatever - my girls both know I would like to have the one book of Picoult's I am missing.
Well gotta run - little boy just woke up, sobbing, shaking - must be having a nightmare.

lattégirl said...

Dear Jeni - I think you'd better put up a little Christmas wishlist. Just in case some, uh, blogging buddies might feel like buying you a wee giftie.