Sunday, March 20, 2011

And then I changed my mind

I was thinking about moving back to Montreal, or near Montreal, but after remembering how thrilled I was to move into my present abode, I decided to stay put.

Sure, as a friend says, I can find cheaper somewhere else. And yes, I was considering moving in with my son so we could ease our respective financial burdens.

But after consideration, I decided there is NO WAY I am ready to have neighbours overhead or under me. I spent too many years listening to other peoples' plumbing, snoring, doorbells, telephones, shouts and dogs to move again. Just the thought of packing and hauling stuff into and out of a truck fills me with fear and near-nausea.

Part of my thinking, too, was that this town is so dead I can barely stand it anymore. Everyone I know agrees... it's a BORING PLACE TO LIVE!

But since I can't change the town, I can change my attitude about it, and damn well find things to do.

So there.


A couple of newer paintings 2019 said...

I see you're in the Laurentians. I'm southwest of Ottawa having lived in Ottawa from 1971 to 2004, then a fulltime RVer and since last year have gone back to stix and brix. Just wanted to drop a note as we're probably 'neighbours' although a distance away.

Anonymous said...

yeh it can be a drag having to endure the sounds of neighbours, but what about the cabbages and the chard? don't they feel the same? i doubt it. i want you to bring your rock'n'roll to my blog and get involved:

Batty said...

I understand the desire to move, yet the less than delightful taste it leaves in your mouth. As a military child, moving has been a norm for my family, and, though my father is no longer enlisted, it hasn't changed.

I long to leave my parents' home, but I don't have the means to do so now, and likely won't for a few years to come.

I hope things improve for you.